Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It starts with me

Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ..

The theme for this week is "It starts with me"

We will be meeeting today at SC9 at 7pm for wednesday prayer, then friday for opening of the Sabbath at 7pm same vanue SC9.

Then on Sabbath morning from 8;30 til sunset , same vanue
8:30-9:30: Morning manna
9:30-10:30 Sabbath school
1100hrs: Divine Service
1500hrs: discussion, music and prayer

A friend recommended this site to me and I found it to me quite cool, so I'm recommending it to you guys.

1 comment:

  1. I now am convinced that all of us are equiped for spreading the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus our passover. It has started with me, and you? well that does not mean that I do not fall but in falling I ask strenth frm God to get up and never be the same again and ultimately learn from my past failures (sins- i.e. how I fell).

    Have a wonderful week everyone who visit this Blog. To Gold be the glory and forever AMEN.

    TTM Makade
